Fun Ways to Get Your Senior More Active This Summer
June 29, 2016
Home Care in Pittsburgh PA
Even if your senior has healthy issues or mobility issues that require senior care, regular activity is essential for good health. When it gets hot, seniors often tire more easily in the heat, making it tough to get active in the summer. However, even with hot, sunny weather, it’s possible to get your senior more active, especially with the help of your in-home care professionals. Try these fun ways to add more activity and fun to your senior’s life during the warm summer months.
Plan Early Morning Walks Together
Although the days are often hot in the summer, the mornings are usually fairly cool, so plan early morning walks together with your senior. Walk around your neighborhood or in a local park and enjoy the cooler morning air. If your senior needs assistance with mobility, consider having your elder care professional go with you to provide some aid along the way. If you live in an area that is too hot for walking outdoors in the mornings, consider heading to a mall where you can enjoy walking in an air-conditioned setting.
Go Swimming
Swimming is an excellent exercise option for seniors. It can improve their mobility, relieve symptoms of arthritis, and improve strength. Cooling off in the water is the perfect way to help your senior get active during the summer. Even if you head to an indoor pool, you’re sure to have plenty of fun while getting active. Of course, if you’ll be in an outdoor pool, take precautions to prevent sunburn and heat exhaustion in your senior. Make sure they have plenty of sunscreen on before and during swimming. Keep seniors well hydrated while in the sun. Avoid spending too much time in the sun, particularly during the hottest part of the day.
Have a Barbecue with Fun Outdoor Games
A summer barbecue complete with outdoor games not only offers a way for you to get your senior active, it offers them the opportunity to get social as well. Plan your barbecue for the evening when it’s cooler and have plenty of drinks on hand to make sure everyone stays hydrated. Have fun outdoor games, such as croquet, to get everyone active between tasting all the summer barbecue favorites.
Getting active this summer can be fun for you and your senior loved one. Try these exciting activity ideas. With a little help from family and your senior care professional, you’ll be able to make some great summer memories while increasing your loved one’s activity level.