Positivity and Home Care Services

By Robert D. Liken CPC, CTS, President

March 10, 2017

The moment you see the word ‘infectious’ you probably think of something bad. While most of the time an infection is a negative thing, when you’re talking about a positive attitude, it can be

Home Care in Pittsburgh PA: Positivity and Home Care Services

infectious and that is certainly good. For somebody who may need home care support services, such as an elderly individual or disabled adult family member, it’s not always easy to stay positive.
A positive caregiver can improve the emotional outlook for a client.
Think about that for a moment. Family members, such as an adult child, sibling, or spouse may be the first one to step up and offer support and care, but as they experience more stress and anxiety related to this type of work, it might be more difficult for them to remain positive and upbeat.
That negative attitude, the frustration, the impatience, and more can all become infectious as well. However, when you hire home care support services in the form of a home care aide, and you make sure they are a positive and compassionate individual, it can also be infectious.
The elderly individual may begin to shape their outlook a bit different. They might start seeing things as being possible once again when they had been impossible for many weeks or even months.
It can help improve relationships.
When you’re operating with a positive mindset, you will deal with your interpersonal relationships, especially your family, in a different manner. You may see their negative comments, slights, and other issues as being nothing more than their issue, not yours.
It becomes much easier to ignore somebody who is negative when you are surrounded by a positive attitude.
It can improve your outlook on the future.
When a person has a negative attitude, they may not see much point in working out, exercising, focusing on their diet, or doing other things that are beneficial to their overall health and well-being. When you’re surrounded by a positive attitude, on the other hand, you may look to the future with hope and determination.
A positively oriented home care aide will be more likely to help a senior focus on activities they enjoy. That senior may not physically be capable of doing certain activities at the moment, but if they focus on physical therapy, exercise, and doing what their doctor instructed, they may certainly be able to do them once again in the future.
A positive attitude can be infectious and, as a result, it’s a good idea to pay attention to any home care aide and how their attitude can affect you or a loved one.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Pittsburgh, PA, please contact the friendly staff at Liken Home Care.  Call (412) 693-6820 or (855) 856-0551