How Can You Prepare Your Elderly Parent for Extreme Heat?
July 12, 2018
As summer starts, in many places, the temperatures are starting to creep up and soon extreme heat could be a risk. As a family caregiver, now is the time for you to take the appropriate steps to prepare for the possibility of extreme heat so you can protect your aging parent from this danger, and from the potentially devastating consequences that can occur as a result of it. Preparing for extreme heat allows you to feel more confident that your parents can stay safe, healthy, and comfortable no matter how the seasons progress.
Use these tips to help you prepare your elderly parent for the dangers of extreme heat:
-Make sure that your aging parent has access to an appropriate cooling system in their home. Fans, including ceiling fans and box fans, should not be relied on for the sole source of cooling off the home. They are not strong enough and do not lower the temperature enough to protect against extreme heat situations.
-If your parent does not have access to a cooling system in their home, make sure to identify cooling shelters in their area. These shelters open during times of high heat so that those who do not have air conditioning at home can find relief and safety from the temperatures. Find out where these shelters are located and how to get your parent admitted to one when necessary.
-Make sure that their emergency supply kit is properly packed and easily accessible. If there is an extreme heat situation and they must leave their home to go to a cooling shelter, a hotel, or other location, having their emergency supply kit with them will help them to get through more comfortably and safely.
-Take steps to prepare the home itself to manage extreme heat. Steps such as replacing weather stripping and adding reflective surfaces to windows can dramatically reduce the temperature inside.
-Ensure your parent has senior care with them so that if there are extreme weather situations, this care provider can help your parent respond properly. When it comes to heat, this care provider can ensure your parent is in a safe, cool location, that they stay properly hydrated, and that they take other steps to stay safe and healthy.
Starting senior care for your aging parent can be one of the best decisions you can make for them during the course of your caregiver journey.
A senior home care services provider can be there with your aging parent on a customized schedule that is right not just for their needs, but also the level of care you already give them. This means your senior can pursue a lifestyle that is as independent and fulfilling as possible, while also addressing their challenges and needs in the ways that are right for them.
Through a set of highly personalized services designed with your aging parent in mind, this care provider can help your parent stay safer, healthier, happier, and more active throughout their later years. As their caregiver, this can give you tremendous peace of mind knowing that they have everything they need both and when they are with you, and when they are not.
If you are considering Home Health Care in Mt. Lebanon, PA, please contact the friendly staff at Liken Home Care. Call (412) 693-6820 or (855) 856-0551.