Traveling with Alzheimer’s – A Few Tips to Keep in Mind

By Robert D. Liken CPC, CTS, President

March 24, 2017

Senior Care in Squirrel Hill PA: Traveling with Alzheimer’s – A Few Tips to Keep in Mind

Doing any variety of activities for somebody diagnosed with Alzheimer’s can be complicated thanks to the signs and symptoms of the disease. When a senior wants to travel and has been diagnosed with any form of dementia, there are a few tips to keep in mind. These tips can not just make the trip a bit smoother for them, and everyone else, but it can also help keep that senior a little bit more comfortable and confident in this endeavor.
This trip may cause anxiety.
Never forget that a person dealing with Alzheimer’s may not think as rationally as other individuals. They might be completely excited to go visit family members or a place they had grown up in, but when they’re in the car for several hours, on a plane, or somewhere else, they may suddenly long for home to the point when they start crying.
That anxiety can be caused by many factors. Being aware of it can help you or some other caregiver anticipate the challenge and help the senior cope in a more positive and effective way.
Remember, the senior may want to go home.
As we just mentioned, there may be times when the senior, as excited as he or she was about the prospect of this trip in the first place, may just want to go home. They may begin begging you to take them home. That may not be practical where you are when this is incident arises.
That’s when you need redirection techniques.
Talk about jewelry, earrings, a certain type of clothing they are wearing, or anything else that can get them excited to share information with those around them. When you distract them for a moment, it can help them calm down and avoid any increasing issues.
You may need to plan extra stops along the way.
When a person gets older, they may have incontinence issues, bladder problems, or other health issues that make it difficult for them to stay in a car, plane, or other type of vehicle for an extended length of time.
This is a good reason to plan extra stops into your trip. This can allow them an opportunity to get out, stretch, and see something interesting that may spark a conversation to get them through the next hour or two.
Have consistent care and support.
If the senior is relying on a home care aide, find out if that caregiver is willing and able to take the trip with them. If they are, just make sure to pay their way completely and still provide them their normal salary.

If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Squirrel Hill, PA, please contact the friendly staff at Liken Home Care.  Call (412) 693-6820 or (855) 856-0551